About Me

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New York, New York, United States
I attribute my success to three elements: hard work, passion and a little bit of luck. When I first heard about Rockstar INXS, a new reality show on CBS, I decided to audition. After years of trying to make it as solo artist, I thought this opportunity might provide my big break. Well, I didn’t win the competition to be the singer for INXS…I did one better and got my very own deal with Universal Classics. Born in the Philippines and raised in Sydney, Australia, I began playing the piano at age seven, but was quickly discouraged by my teacher, who informed me that without practice, I would never become a virtuoso. However, a chance meeting with a jazz musician opened up a world of possibilities! I was finally able to play the music I wanted, in the style I chose. I even wrote my own songs and played piano without having to perfect my Mozart! Who cares if I was never going to be a concert pianist? Stick that up your metronome, I was going to be a ROCKSTAR! .............................................................................. for more about me please visit my official site mig-music.com


05 November, 2008


At last we have a leader we can believe in. At last America can be proud again. This is the dawning of a new era of hope. We need Obama now more than we have ever needed anybody before. He and his team have a hell of a job to do. America needs him. The world needs him. This is such a momentous historical moment that will ring throughout eternity. This is the beginning of a new age of positivity and forward thinking. We are heading in the right direction.

Thank you America. Your decision will bring you so much good will throughout the world.

May we give him all the support and encouragement. With him at the wheel, I now feel again that maybe this world has a chance to survive. 

I pray that it is not too late. I do not envy the task ahead of him. He did not inherit a golden world. The mess is huge, the situation is grossly chaotic. Yet I have faith. He gives me faith in America. He gives me faith in the world. He gives me faith in humanity. 



Visit www.mig-music.com for all the latest up to the minute MiG news!

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